
miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Florence Welch se rompe un dedo del pie en su actuación del Coachella

 La líder y voz de Florence + The Machine, Florence Welch, ha confirmado a través de sus redes sociales que el pasado domingo, cuando celebraba su concierto en el festival Coachella, sufrió una fractura en un dedo del pie derecho.

 Esto ha motivado que la artista frene previsiblemente sus actuaciones hasta finales de junio, coincidiendo con el festival británico Glastonbury, que este mismo martes confirmaba su presencia. Veremos si este fin de semana actúa o no en la segunda semana del Coachella. Aquí el comunicado:

<<Hi everyone,

I'm so sorry to say, that after what was one of my favourite shows ever at Coachella, I have discovered I have broken my foot from leaping off the stage.

Unfortunately while this heals, my performances will have to be somewhat stripped back.

I'm so sorry, I'm pretty devastated, but I still want to do the shows.
I understand this is not what you were expecting, but I hope its just as enjoyable. I'm going to try and make it super special for you.

By the time Glastonbury rolls around I should be back on my feet.
This album was so much about making something from what was broken, so lets see what we can do with this.

All my love, Flo.>>

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