
viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

The xx, epicentro del museo Guggenheim de Nueva York, da detalles de su nuevo disco

  Los británicos The xx han participado esta semana en un evento organizado por Dior en el museo Guggenheim de Nueva York, donde han ofrecido un pequeño set desde el centro de la gran sala del museo y al que han asistido como público diferentes famosos, véase Marion Cotillard, A$AP Rocky o Karlie Kloss.

 Además, la banda británica ha publicado una nota en su web comunicando algunos detalles de su esperado tercer disco, grabado a caballo entre Marfa, Texas, Reykiavik, su casa de Londres y Los Ángeles, y que verá la luz en el verano del año que viene.


It’s been a while, we hope everything is wonderful with you.

This year has been a creative one for us so far, we have been hard at work writing and recording new music in a few different places around the world.

In the spring we spent a few weeks in the incredible and unique town of Marfa in Texas. Then, in Summer we spent some time just outside of Reykavik in Iceland. This Autumn we have been back in London, writing and having some time at home but this week we are heading out to Los Angeles to continue the writing and recording process.

Although all very different, each of these places have been inspirational environments to create music in, and each will have an influence on the new album. The whole process is a big adventure and we can’t wait for a time when we’ll be able to share the music with you.

Lots of love until then.

xx The xx>>

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